GfK. Growth from Knowledge.
For over 90 years, we have earned the trust of our clients around the world by solving critical questions in their decision-making process. We fuel their growth by providing a complete understanding of their consumers’ buying behavior, and the dynamics impacting their markets, brands and media trends. In 2023, GfK combined with NIQ, bringing together two industry leaders with unparalleled global reach. With a holistic retail read and the most comprehensive consumer insights - delivered with advanced analytics through state-of-the-art platforms - GfK drives “Growth from Knowledge”.
In a business world swamped by rising levels of disruption, data overload and time pressure, quickly picking up the right signal from the noise is increasingly important and increasingly difficult.
Four key tenets drive our approach, and offer value to our clients
Highest competence with data management and quality
Signals from the noise
Actionable recommendations through analytics and technology
Knowledge and expertise
Deep understanding of the market, psychology and consumer behavior
Always-on intelligence
Digital solutions that put data science at your fingertips
We foster a culture of trust and respect across our entire GfK community, welcoming and encouraging diversity of every kind and never ever tolerating discrimination or harassment.
The value we deliver to you is driven by our people and global community
Retail Partnerships
180 million+
SKUs tracked
2 million+
Consumer insights across the globe