Singapore 04.08.2016
Understand the habits of connected consumers in Asia Pacific
Insights into the digital behavior of consumers in Asia Pacific
Mobile internet access is increasingly becoming not just the first option, but also the preferred way for a large proportion of the online population across Asia Pacific to get connected. In fact, accessing the internet via the smartphone has become a daily activity for over 80 percent of some of the region‘s connected population. What are their media habits and what do they do on their smartphones? How are they engaging their favourite brands online?
People are connected every day, throughout the day
Messaging apps becoming remote controls for day-to-day living
Social is moving from simple networking to customer service and e-commerce
The Connected Asian Consumer study
GfK conducted The Connected Asian Consumer study in April – May 2016 amongst 8,000+ smartphone owners across Asia Pacific countries including China, Japan, India, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Smartphone users who are online regularly were surveyed to gain a deeper understanding of consumers’ habits in the digital space.
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People are connected throughout the day, every day
Messaging apps become remote controls for day-to-day living
Social is moving from simple networking to customer service and e-commerce