Bruchsal 20.09.2018
Map of the Month: Purchasing power for watches and jewelry, Italy 2017
GfK's Map of the Month for September illustrates the distribution of 2017 purchasing power for watches and jewelry across Italy's provinces.
All of Italy's top-ten provinces for watches and jewelry are located in the northern part of the country. With €150 per person, the modern metropolis of Milan has 45 percent more spending potential for watches and jewelry than the national average. The provinces with the least purchasing power for this product group are located in southern Italy. Last place goes to the Sicilian province of Agrigento, which has a per capita purchasing power of €66. This equates to around 36 percent less than the national average.
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GfK recently calculated product-line purchasing power for 17 product groups in various European countries. The resulting studies show that the spending potential for individual product groups varies significantly both within and between these countries. Insights on regional purchasing power allow retailers and manufacturers to more effectively position and market their products.
More results from our purchasing power studies can be found in our recent press release.
The map may be freely distributed and reproduced if the following attribution is included: "Illustration: GfK".