Bruchsal 29.10.2019
Map of the Month: Purchasing power for new automobiles, Germany 2019
GfK's Map of the Month for October illustrates the distribution of 2019 purchasing power for new automobiles in Germany.
Per capita purchasing power for new automobile purchases varies significantly across Germany. Among the nation's districts with more than one million inhabitants, the top spots go to Hanover Region (€524) and the urban districts of Munich (€501) and Hamburg (€423). But these locations are outpaced by some mid-sized districts, including the rural districts of Esslingen (€627) and Rhein-Neckar-Kreis (€625), among others.
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These and similar insights on purchasing power allow retailers and manufacturers to align their offering with regional consumer preferences.
In addition to purchasing power for new automobiles, GfK also calculates purchasing power for other automotive product lines, including used automobiles, automobile maintenance and repair, automobile tires and automobile accessories.
The map may be freely distributed and reproduced if the following attribution is included: "Illustration: GfK".