Nuremberg, 30.03.2017

Squeeze-out request submitted to GfK

The formal request by GfK’s majority shareholder Acceleratio Capital N.V. (Acceleratio) for a squeeze-out of the minority shareholders was submitted to the Management Board of GfK SE today. This step had been announced by GfK in an ad-hoc release on March 22. According to section 327a para. 1 sentence 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz), Acceleratio has requested that the general meeting of GfK SE decide on the transfer of the shares of the remaining shareholders (minority shareholders) to Acceleratio as the majority shareholder in exchange for an appropriate cash settlement (squeeze-out).

Following the completion of the takeover offer, Acceleratio and GfK Verein held more than 75 percent of the shares of GfK SE. In addition, Acceleratio together with affiliates acquired about 20.9 percent of GfK’s shares off-market, and the shares of GfK Verein were consolidated in Acceleratio. Now, Acceleratio Capital N.V. holds 96.7 percent of the shares of GfK SE and has therefore become the majority shareholder of GfK SE according to section 327a para. 1 sentence 1 of the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz).

Details regarding the appropriate cash compensation for the remaining shareholders (minority shareholders) will be determined at a later time by conducting a company valuation. The date of the general assembly of GfK SE, which shall decide on the squeeze-out, will be announced in due course.

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