Nuremberg, 19.04.2017

EU consumer climate at a nine-year peak

The positive mood among European consumers has continued into the first quarter of 2017. At the end of December 2016, the consumer climate for the 28 EU countries had already risen to its highest level since January 2008. In January 2017, it further climbed by two points to 19.9 points, before settling at a level of 18.9 in March. This is one of the results of the GfK consumer climate study for Europe in the first quarter of 2017. More details regarding the development of the indicators of all 16 European countries surveyed can be found on our website:

In terms of the respective economic and income expectations and propensity to buy indicators, significant differences were once more apparent in the individual analyses of all countries surveyed. They are attributable to differing economic developments and the country-specific labor market situation. The influence of predominant topics at a pan-European level such as Brexit, the strengthening of nationalist parties, the new government in the USA and the war in Syria therefore did not affect the development of the individual indicators equally in all countries.

...for more information, please download the country-specific press releases or click on the respective indicator charts and maps for each country below. 

Deutschland: Pressemeldung  Landkarten  Indikatoren 

France: Communiqué de Presse  Cartes  Diagrammes Indicateurs 

Italia: Comunicato Stampa  Mappe  Grafici Indicatore 

España: Mapas  Gráficos de Indicadores 

Portugal: Comunicado de Imprensa  Mapas  Gráficos Indicadoras 

Ελλάδα: nδελτίο τύπου  χάρτες  διαγράμματα δείκτης 

Nederland: Persbericht  Kaarten  Indicator Charts 

België: Persbericht  Kaarten  Indicator Charts 

Belgique: Communiqué de Presse  Cartes  Diagrammes Indicateurs 

Österreich: Pressemitteilung  Landkarten  Indikatoren 

Polska: Informacja Prasowa  Mapy  Wykresy Wskaźników 

Česká republika: Tisková Zpráva  Mapy  Indikátor Grafy 

Slovensko: Izjava za Javnost  Mapy  Indikátor Grafy 

Slovenija: Maps  Indikator Karte

România: Comunicat de presă  Hărți  Diagrame Indicatoare 

България: съобщение за печата  карти   индикаторни диаграми

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