KualaLumpur, 30.03.2016

Commercial Radio Malaysia awards GfK radio audience measurement contract

Commercial Radio Malaysia is the association of commercial radio operators in the country. As a research partner, GfK will provide advertisers and media buyers valuable insights into the listening habits of local radio listeners.

GfK will introduce a combined methodological approach for the study in Malaysia. Two waves of surveys will be conducted per year among 12,000 representatively selected radio listeners in Malaysia. These respondents will log their radio usage over a period of seven days; with 80 percent responding via a paper diary and 20 percent via an electronic diary. To analyze the obtained data, GfK offers its own software solution that enables broadcasters and advertisers a strategic program and media-planning tool.

This new contract signals the return to a single radio ratings system for the Malaysian market.

For more than four decades, GfK has been providing radio and television audience measurement. The largest German market research institute delivers TV currencies in varying European countries and is currently building corresponding systems in Brazil, Saudi Arabia as well as in Singapore. GfK radio research operates in a number of European countries and more recently also in Australia and New Zealand.

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GfK is the trusted source of relevant market and consumer information that enables its clients to make smarter decisions. More than 13,000 market research experts combine their passion with GfK’s long-standing data science experience. This allows GfK to deliver vital global insights matched with local market intelligence from more than 100 countries. By using innovative technologies and data sciences, GfK turns big data into smart data, enabling its clients to improve their competitive edge and enrich consumers’ experiences and choices.

For more information, please visit www.gfk.com or follow GfK on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GfK

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