Every eCommerce seller knows that when it comes to selling products online, content really is king. When consumers cannot hold a product in their hands, top-quality content can bridge the gap – through rich information, pictures, videos, and more. Optimizing online content serves manufacturers and retailers alike; but often, we still see product listings that leave shoppers under-informed or simply uninspired.
As someone who has facilitated millions of product listings, I know too well what does and does not speak to consumers. And there are some common characteristics and miscues that tell me immediately when a manufacturer is not leveraging precious content space to maximum advantage. Here are just five clues that you can look for as you shop online – and review your own product listings.
eCommerce seller mistake #1: Sticking to the basics
Today, rich content is the name of the eCommerce game. Rich and A+ content (interactive media, sell-sheets, video demos) empowers brands to deliver compelling shopping experiences across digital touch points – while basic, meat-and-potatoes information puts you at an immediate disadvantage.
eCommerce seller mistake #2: Lack of brand identity
With so many product listings to choose from, consumers need to understand why your brand is special – and your passion should live on your product pages. Putting your company’s story forward can be a strong differentiator, showing that you have a solid history and a reputation for quality. In eCommerce, linking to your website, social media pages, and other resources can help put buyers at ease, improve SEO, and even close the sale.
eCommerce seller mistake #3: Getting by with one image
Life is a 360-degree experience – but some online sellers think their customers should be happy with just one perspective. Check out top sellers on Amazon – you will see that they always provide multiple product images from a variety of angles. Since online shoppers cannot walk around your item in person, multiple images provide the next best thing.
eCommerce rich content content example: Displaying multiple angles of a product
eCommerce seller mistake #4: All-caps lettering
To identify yourself immediately as an eCommerce novice, use all-caps lettering. It is hard on shoppers’ eyes and ultimately becomes illegible in large quantities. Seeing titles, subtitles, or marketing copy set in all caps WILL MAKE THE READER FEEL LIKE YOU ARE YELLING AT THEM. (See?) Make your type natural and varied; using extreme tactics to catch people’s attention will only drive them to another product or site.
eCommerce seller mistake #5: An unguided experience
The last time you booked air travel, did you know the flight number you’d be on before you logged in? Probably not. But an interactive selector guided you to the best airline, departure time, and price for your plans. In the same way, a potential buyer may not know what product they need -- but they do have details like size, price and tech specs. A product selector on your site can steer them to the perfect item – and keep them within your selection universe. With anything less, you run the risk of losing customers to rival vendors and brands.
Of course, that is just a "starter" list – the variety of things that one can do right or wrong in online product content is almost endless. Check out "How to win in the online jungle". The first step is to recognize the value and key role of content, and begin to treat it with the attention and discernment it deserves. Most likely, your eCommerce competitors already are – and falling behind in content is never a good strategy.
For more do’s & don’ts of online product content