It’s easy to forget that social media is only around a decade old. Its phenomenal growth in that time has changed our lives in many ways – not least when it comes to how we shop. It also continues to evolve and staying close to its innovation is vital for marketers.
The path to purchase now is much more social – it’s about reviews, recommendations, and direct contact with a brand - and far less so about TV, and advertising pushing out messages. People are increasingly turning to social media to find out about companies and facilitate their search for the best deals. Our recently released research reveals that 81% of social media users regularly use coupons, vouchers and deals when shopping, compared to 69% of consumers who haven’t engaged with social media in the last 30 days. What’s interesting is that the bargain hunting impulse remains strong amongst respondents of all ages.
Take a look at the full article where we identify three key trends that influence consumers globally - in the context of social media, and highlight the key lessons for brands using social media promotions.