
Weekly Sales Tracker

Get the most current Tech & Durables market insights and consumer sales data delivered directly to your inbox every week. Covering sales results and consumer behavior with the world’s most comprehensive point of sales data in eight pivotal countries.
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The Sales Tracker was launched in Spring 2020 as a short weekly summary of topline market data to share the dynamics in the first weeks of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns. The distribution list grew fast as more subscribers wanted to understand which sectors were in high demand, which were suffering, how distribution channels were developing, and much more.  Although the situation has now normalized, we continue to publish the report to give you weekly information on sectors that otherwise might not be in your immediate focus. We hope you have enjoyed the first 200 editions, and we plan to share many more.

Comprehensive sales snapshots + crucial consumer intelligence within eight markets: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil and China.

To be a leader in Tech & Durables, staying informed on a weekly basis is not just an advantage – it's a necessity.  

Market conditions in the consumer technology and durables sector are evolving by the day. Monthly or quarterly updates don’t measure up to the pace of changing consumer behavior and global economic volatility.  

Sign up to GfK’s State of Consumer Technology and Durables Weekly Sales Tracker to get ongoing access to the latest sales report data, market trends, expert insights, and facts-of-the-week, ensuring you're always prepared to make swift and strategic decisions that drive your business forward. 

Unlock pivotal insights with each edition's "fact of the week" on trending topics such as pricing, consumer behavior, and emerging shopping dynamics.

Unlock a world of weekly insights

Get access to country-specific graphs with our detailed analysis, providing a window into the consumer trends and sales figures shaping your markets.  

See an example report below and sign up to receive yours now.  

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Sign up now to receive the report weekly and download the latest and previous editions: