
State of Consumer Tech and Durables Weekly Sales Tracker

Get the most up-to-date Tech & Durables market insights delivered directly to your inbox every week, covering sales results from comprehensive point-of-sales data in eight pivotal countries.
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Comprehensive sales snapshots within eight massive T&D markets: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, and China.

To be a leader in Tech & Durables, staying informed on a weekly basis with our POS sales reports is not just an advantage – it's a necessity.

Market conditions in the Consumer Technology and Durables sector are evolving by the day.

Monthly or quarterly updates don’t measure up to the pace of global economic volatility.

Sign up for GfK’s State of Consumer Technology and Durables Weekly Sales Tracker to get ongoing access to the latest sales report data, market trends, and fact-of-the-week, ensuring you're always prepared to make swift and strategic decisions that drive your business forward.

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Get access to country-specific graphs with our detailed analysis, providing a window into the consumer trends and sales figures shaping your markets.

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