With a wealth of proprietary data sources, a suite of solutions and experts skilled in understanding consumer behavior and motivations, we know shoppers. So, when you need to sell your product or service, we can de-code what’s happening and why.

Much of our energy is focused on unravelling the consumer journey – crucial if your product and brand is to be in the consideration set at all relevant touchpoints. We have analysis and insight at all stages of the purchase decision process. For instance, shopper profiles, triggers, research, competition, purchase, conversion and post-purchase.

Our consumer and shopper insight will help you answer your key business questions including where consumers go to research, compare and buy new products, which factors drive consumers’ decisions and purchase, who is your target audience, and the optimum go-to market plan to reach those people with your product. We’ll also help you pinpoint the manufacturers and retailers you should be working with.

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