Your success depends on the efficient exploitation of potential by each of your sales partners. But measuring this performance across your entire network requires an intimate understanding of the interplay between market conditions and location attributes.
Our consultancy answers these questions by giving you a detailed breakdown of the attributes associated with your sales partner sites. We do this by cross-referencing your data with our detailed insights on target group potential, catchment area size, demand level and other factors unique to your market. The resulting typology identifies regions and retail clusters with favorable conditions for your products. And it gives you an easy-to-follow road map for adjusting and managing your distribution partner network on the basis of objective indicators.
We classify your distribution partners by local retail and demand potential. This allows you to objectively benchmark sales partners and their retail environments, which brings your market opportunities into sharp focus. Use our insights to identify optimal sales partners and channels based on location type and regional demand. Our consultancy also lets you optimize your regional product placement and investment in marketing, POS promotions and product launches across your network. And our insights offer persuasive arguments for negotiating with sales partners.
Our consultancy gives you a reliable basis for confidently choosing local distribution partners. We offer:
Una sola fuente de análisis del rendimiento de las campañas multicanal en distintos dispositivos para maximizar todos los elementos de una estrategia de marketing. Vínculos a adquisiciones reales. Ofrece indicadores clave de rendimiento comparables.
Quantify the impact of media on sales by individual and combined media channels. Connect to actual sales in key sectors to drive results and optimize campaign budgets
Realice pruebas previas de anuncios en banners digitales y video para optimizar las campañas. Compare los anuncios en televisión y onlíne, que incluyen videos, banners y en formato rich media. Mida de que manera los anuncios captan y retienen la atención.