The evolution of device categories, from computers to home appliances, is both shaped by..
Recently, I was reading an article about how consumers' choices are influenced not only..
The end of the 20th century saw a significant increase in our ability to capture images,..
The mass adoption of digital networked technology is transformative, but we are still..
As the Sochi events end with the Paralympic Winter Games closing ceremony we conclude our..
Timing and relevance – these are the keys to optimising your mobile web strategy. And if..
Back in 2011, the World Economic Forum (WEF) compared personal data to oil, as an asset..
Brazilians, despite their tendency to think in a green way, have few options for..
New data from GfK’s pilot Shopping Monitor Electro study shows that even in a digital..
Many practitioners are divided into two opposing camps: those who are pro eye tracking,..
In 2011, the American entrepreneur and software engineer Marc Andreessen, declared that..
Change is the name of the game in technology – so it takes solid information to truly..
This is a summary of our white paper “A Rising Stream Lifts… Lessons from the New TV..
Facebook commissioned GfK to better understand people’s behavior as they move across..
In 2013, the Financial Times announced that it will lead with its web offering and scale..
In December last year, every fourth smartphone bought in Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea..