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GfK evolved platform and servicing experience | FAQ & More info 

GfK evolved platform and servicing experience

Introducing your new GfK platform and servicing experience

By Q2 2024, expect the upgraded gfknewron Market, incorporating over two years of feedback. It'll offer strategic insights and unified metrics, serving as your primary source for market intelligence, gradually replacing current deliverables such as PowerPoints and QuickView. We're confident this transition will enhance your operations.

Throughout 2024/25, our clients for MI Sales Tracking will be onboarded to gfknewron, our unified digital platform. This provides opportunities to collaborate and achieve collective goals across our clients’ business.  Our aim is to boost your success by delivering more relevant sales and market intelligence faster.

So, why are we making changes? 

We want you to have the easiest access to actionable insights. That’s why we’re upgrading gfknewron, to enhance your experience and amplify your success with a fast and streamlined connection to the data you need.

What exactly is changing?

  • From a limited range of data views, you’ll now have access to a much wider range of flexible data views and insights, like scorecards, time series and segmentation views across all dimensions of our data, as well as a product leaderboard to really get the data you need to answer your business questions. 
  •  From a simple overview page, we’re upgrading to a more extensive overview page with all the key insights you need to know at first glance, covering the overall market, your own brand, competition and single products.
  •  From accessing different insights in different parts of the tool, you’ll be able to bring together different insights into your own reports in a self-serve way – this will be enabled later in the year.
  • From local insights with single-country and single-product group views only, you’ll now be able to aggregate and compare countries and product groups for global and portfolio views.
  • From 2 years of back data, say hello to up to 4 years of back data for more longer-term context.
  • From a focus on basic KPIs (like units and revenue), we’re adding more advanced options (such as distribution and sales per shop) for more in-depth, actionable insights. 

In a nutshell, what can I expect from the enhanced gfknewron Market?

Enjoy the benefits of new data views, a more extensive overview page, grouped insights in own reports, global and portfolio views, longer-term back data and additional KPIs.

What does this mean for me as a client?

  • Get instant access to essential data. 
  • Benefit from seamless integration into your current workflow. 
  • Our expert-driven servicing and commitment to data quality continues.

    How will the transition impact my business?

    Your decision-making processes will be improved thanks to easier access to essential market and sales data. 

    What support is available during the transition?

    Our customer success team is available to provide guidance and support at every step of the process. 


    We’re fully committed to your success.

    Contact us here or speak to your Customer Success Manager for more detailed answers specific to your operations.  


See below for the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our evolved GfK experience.  

  • What is coming next?
    When we launch the enhanced gfknewron Market at the end of Q2 2024, your Customer Success Manager will be in touch to plan your individual onboarding sessions. You will also receive onboarding via email, taking you step by step through all the important features and key business questions.

  • Is there a fee involved for this change?

    No, we’re transitioning you to platform and enhancing your experience at no extra cost.   

    • Streamlined transition: Our structured onboarding process ensures you can adapt and thrive from day one with minimal onboarding time and disruption to your typical processes.  
    • Zero onboarding cost: We’ve invested heavily into our upgraded platform and servicing experience, and provide complimentary training and resources to make sure you get the most out of it.  
    • Clear pricing plans via service envelope: You will always have clarity on the scope of data and servicing engagements based on your subscription level so you know what you’re getting - more value, less hassle.  

  • We’re concerned about losing our current data and reporting formats once gfknewron replaces our existing deliverables. Does the new system accommodate our existing delivery methods?
    Yes, with the following considerations for the future:  

    • Familiar data, new efficiencies: access contracted data with an enhanced user experience to speed up your 
      analysis and decision-making without disrupting any of your current processes.
    • Customizable data exports: the upgraded gfknewron Market allows for self-serve data exporting. That said, starting in 2025, some formats (like PPTs, XLS and GSE SE) may eventually transition to new solutions within gfknewron Market, as it evolves to accommodate your insights. We'll provide a smooth transition, ensuring that an adequate solution is in place before anything is switched off. For now, CSV files and GSE PE will remain available. Later this year, you'll also be able to bring together different insights into your own reports in a self-serve way.

  • Will it take me a lot of time to get started with the enhanced gfknewron Market?
    No, instead transitioning will be seamless and user-friendly! Here’s why: 
    • Quick familiarization: The upgraded platform is intuitive, meaning you can hit the ground running. You’ll already be familiar with some features, and you’ll have a 6-week period during which you'll still have access to the previous version of gfknewron Market in parallel, to give you time to get accustomed to the new version.
    • Limited impact: While some settings, such as saved filters or saved views, won’t carry over, your views and reports will still be accessible in the old version for around 6 weeks. 
    • User-friendly transition: We’re here to support you with guided onboarding and setup tutorials gearing you up for the transition.

    Enjoy these features, available from the launch: 

    • Self-serve data with export functionality.
    • Aggregated data across countries and product groups.
    • More KPIs and longer back data.
    • Enhanced Overview page for key insights at first glance.

    From accessing different insights in different parts of the tool, you’ll be able to bring together all insights into your own reports in a self-serve way – this, together with further views, will be enabled later in the year.

  • With the move to the platform, will we lose the personal servicing touch we’ve valued at GfK?
    On the contrary, our customer service teams are focusing on making our data easy to understand and action on. They are also gearing up to support you in your key business decisions through regular business reviews, check-ins and other elements of the service envelope to generate more value out of the data for our clients.

  • Is support being scaled backwards?
    Absolutely not. With our team's expert guidance and assistance, you can confidently navigate our platform, and your market complexities, to make smarter decisions. Here’s our promise:  
    • Unwavering support: You’ll continue to receive the prompt, comprehensive support you’ve come to expect from GfK, tailored to meet today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges.  
    • Detailed onboarding: We’ll walk you through the new features step-by-step, ensuring a smooth transition. We deliver tailored, effective onboarding and guidance from platform pros so you can get the most out of gfknewron without missing out on any opportunities.  
    • Accessible help, anytime: Our updated Help Center is your go-to resource for training focusing on the most common data use-cases. Plus, our CSMs are ready to assist within your Service Envelope scope or on an ad-hoc basis if needed.  

  • How can we ensure a smooth transition without overextending our resources?
    We understand that training takes time away from work. During this transition, we’re prioritizing platform efficiency and support to ensure your team gets up to speed quickly: 
    • Intuitive design: gfknewron is built for ease of use, demanding less training time and resources. Our goal is making adaptation quick and integration into your daily operations seamless.  
    • Tailored training: Expect comprehensive training tailored to your needs. We’ll have a variety of training formats, including virtual sessions, in-platform guides, and Help Center videos and articles, all designed to support your transition effectively.  

  • We’ve received data for years but haven’t worked on your platform before.
    Can we test drive gfknewron to ensure it's right for our organization?
    Sure, let’s get you behind the wheel. You can start with our demo session and contact your Customer Success Manager to get a live session and ensure your access to gfknewron.

  • Who can we talk to about questions we have regarding the platform?
    For any questions regarding the platform, whether technical or otherwise, you may opt to use any of the below processes: 

    • Support Button on Platform – This button is available on the right hand side of every page on the platform. You may click on this and ask your query. Our Internal team will look into this and get back to you ASAP. 
    • Reach out to CSM / AMs – You may reach out to your respective CSMs or Account Managers with your query and they will support you.