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The Future of Mobility 2024

From electric vehicle demand to new technology, discover what’s driving your market in this new report from GfK AutoMobility™

Consumer and auto market intelligence to shape your 2024 business strategies

52% of auto intenders (consumers in the market to buy a vehicle) would remove a vehicle from consideration if it does not offer the right technology.

With so much on the line, industry stakeholders need a deeper understanding of the connections between consumers and the evolving automobility space – from EVs to brand innovation and in-vehicle technology.

The Future of Mobility report (released December 2024) draws on exclusive research to reveal:

  • The shift in demand for Electric Vehicles
  • Consumer sentiment/attitudes around EVs
  • Auto brands perceived as leading in innovation
  • Importance and adoption of in-vehicle tech
  • Leading technology features sought in new vehicles
  • Environmental attitudes among new vehicle intenders
  • Autonomous vehicle acceptance/interest levels

This report is drawn from GfK Automobility a leader in the automotive research space. The GfK AutoMobility study is based on 25,000 in-depth interviews of new vehicle auto intenders each month.

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