Bruchsal 25.09.2024
Map of the Month: Private label share of FMCG total turnover, Europe 2024
GfK’s Map of the Month for September shows the private label share of FMCG total turnover in 2024 in 30 European countries.
Buying private labels is more widespread in countries with higher purchasing power than in countries where purchasing power is lower. At 46.7 percent, Spain has the highest percentage of private label purchases, followed by the Netherlands (45.8 percent) and the United Kingdom (45.5 percent). At the rear of the 30 countries that have been analyzed is North Macedonia: Private labels account for just 2.6 percent of all FMCG turnover there.
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More results from GfK’s recently published European retail analysis and prognosis can be accessed in our press release. You can download the complete study "European retail in 2023 und 2024" here.
The map may be freely distributed and reproduced if the following attribution is included: "Illustration: GfK".
Further insights into GfK's market data offering can be found here.