GfK E-Grocery Study

Your comprehensive guide of FMCG E-Commerce Market in Romania

GfK Romania is launching an extensive report on E-grocery market development during the two pandemic years that accelerated online trends. The study quantifies E-grocery potential, showing you the SIZE of opportunity, WHO is and HOW TO address core target.

Here are the key business questions answered by this report over 3 modules:

GfK E-Grocery Overview gives you the essential numbers considering both online stores and delivery apps:
  • How many shoppers did the channel attracted in 2021 vs previous year?
  • How did the purchase behavior change and what is the status for key shopping attributes (promo, private labels, weekdays, shopping missions, etc.)?
  • Online basket composition and key-trends in macro-categories.

Data Source: GfK Consumer Panel, 3000 households

E-grocery Potential quantifies size of opportunity and shows socio-demo characteristics, attitudes, preferences and values of online potential shoppers:
  • Who are the buyers with the highest growth potential for e-grocery?
  • What is the size of opportunity in case of activating them?
  • Which is the 360° profile (shopper DNA) of identified core potential group in comparison with current buyers?

Data Source: GfK Consumer Panel

Satisfaction Drivers and Barriers Understand the why behind the buy and uncover unaddressed needs.
  • Who shops online, who doesn’t, and why?
  • How satisfied are shoppers with their main online retailer?
  • What drives shoppers (dis)satisfaction when shopping groceries online?
  • What are barriers for e-refusers?

Data Source: 1200 online interviews conducted in March 2022 with main shoppers in Romania about their (online) shopping behaviour.

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